Arnica Harvest Article

A write up of Sarah’s experience growing herbs at home, and the processes learnt through visiting a bidynamic herb nursery for the midsummer arnica harvest. First published in Herbology News August ‘21 ‘The Nurture Issue’

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sarah pritchard-barrett
Salt marsh plants of East Coast Rivers and Estuaries

Kayaking on the river Alde beyond Slaughden, between Brick Dock and Iken cliffs, is an immersive experience for all of the senses. The plants described in this seasonal diary post give an idea of the multi-layered variety of species that occupy this intriguing environment and are a good indication of what species you may come across, even by walking along the paths of the east coast rivers.

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Sarah Frances

May is the time for maximum growth, bringing forth a massive array of natural, native, medicinal plants. Historically, running parallel to the learned texts being complied by physicians, apothecaries and Herbalists, ordinary men (and usually woman) compiled ‘Books of receipts’ and ‘Still room’ books.

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SummerAbi Fawcus

If you study or are interested in phenology, March is a key month to notice seasonal variations in plant activity. This is the month that spring officially arrives; around the time of the equinox which occurs between March 20th and 22nd.

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SpringAbi Fawcus